Author Archives: admin

Version 17

After a long, long wait, Version 17 has finished testing and has been released.

What’s new / changed:


  • Pets can no longer be purchased at any size.
  • All pets start off small and can be upgraded via the /pet menu.
  • Upgrading takes time based on the type of pet.
  • Added an option to /pet to feed your pet.
  • Eating your pet no longer refills your health completely.? The health you gain is based on the size and type of your pet.


  • Reworked most of the housing system.
  • Removed knocking on doors of houses.
  • Removed House Co-Owners.
  • Removed House Renting.
  • Either the house is open or it’s not.
  • Increased the chance of a successful house break in.

Spawn Locations:

  • Readded Set Spawns to Teleports.
  • You can set just about any teleport location to be your default spawn location.
  • Use /settings to change your default spawn location.
  • Added a new spawn point to the default random spawns.


  • You can now choose the weapons you want to use in a duel.
  • For lazy people who don’t want to choose weapons, Option 15 on the Weapon Menu will use your default spawn weapons.
  • When you receive a duel challenge, you will also see a chat message telling you the weapons the duel sender has chosen for the duel.
  • Limited the maximum bet for a duel to $500000.

Item / Price Demand:

  • Prices of things on the server now fluctuate based on demand.
  • Prices of things such as items on /shop and pets will variate every few hours based on actual demand of purchases.


  • Prices of things on the server now fluctuate based on demand.
  • Prices of things such as items on /shop and pets will variate every few hours based on actual demand of purchases.

Textdraw Menus:

  • All of the textdraw menus on the server now use the new menu system that was implemented a while ago.
  • Updated a few Textdraw Menus with new information / options.
  • Updated colors of a few textdraws to remain consistent with the rest of them.
  • Most textdraw menus now have a menu return option (if it was accessed from another textdraw menu).
  • A little note for anyone, the actual textdraws updated above were the ones that still used the old menu system.


  • Decreased the chance of breaking a chasity belt a bit.
  • Added a few new moneybag locations.
  • Added 5 second spawn protection to all of the Weapon Arenas.
  • Players are now automatically promoted to regular player after meeting certain requirements.
  • Added tracking of certain things for an upcoming feature in Version 18.
  • Edited colors of certain chat messages and the account dialogs to remain consistent with a coloring scheme.
  • Fixed numerous bugs and typos.
  • Optimized the inner workings of the script.


  • If you have more than $250,000, it was set to $250,000.
  • All bank money was reset to $0.
  • All houses have been reset.
  • If you owned a pet, it ran away.
  • If you had any bought Adrenaline Pills or Drugs, they were removed.
  • If you had a chasity belt, it was removed.

Version 16.1

I’ve made a few minor adjustments to the server.


  • Redid the /faq information.
  • Added the LS Office Tower (/ot).
  • Fixed the Conference Center Spawn Position Bug.
  • Fixed a bug in the Challenge Text that would show the challenge challenged the challenger (was backwards).
  • Fixed the C-Bug records.
  • A few other minor adjustments, bugs, typos, and fixes.

Version 16

Version 16 has finished testing and has been released.

New features, changed features, etc:


  • Added actors to replace all of the checkpoints in the server.
  • Removed all of the checkpoints.
  • Use MMB (Middle Mouse Button) to interact with the Actors.


  • Added /derby for a Vehicle Demolition Derby.
  • Changed the location of the Sniper Area (/sniper) to the castle in Come-A-Lot.
  • Fixed some of the vehicle spawn locations in the Driveby Arena (/db).
  • The 1 HP Arena (/1hp) now gives a random weapon per each kill or spawn.
  • Added a fence around the Desert Duel Arena.
  • Fixed a bug where Casino Safe would never be selected in a Random Arena Duel.


  • Added /sfg to teleport to San Fierro Garage.
  • Added /lsi to teleport to Los Santos International (frontside)
  • Added /ct to teleport to Chinatown in San Fierro.
  • Added /bfc to teleport to Blackfield Chapel in Las Venturas.
  • Added /cc to teleport to the Conference Center in Los Santos.

Interiors / Entrance Markers:

  • Added Woozie’s Apartment in Chinatown (/ct).
  • Added a Bank in Conference Center (/cc).
  • Added a Vault Entrance inside of the bank in Conference Center (/cc).
  • Added an entrance point to the Conference Center Roof.
  • Added a Church Entrance to Blackfield Chapel (/bfc).

Top Player Records:

  • Redid the /top command menus to match the new menu system.
  • Added a record for ‘Fastest C-Bug Attempt’ to show the Fastest C-Bug Attempt of a player.
  • Fixed a bug where the stats would not load.


  • Made Chasity Belts a bit more durable.
  • Added Security Agents to all of the banks and the vault.
  • Completed converting all of the Textdraw Menus to the new Textdraw system (a change made back in v10).
  • Changed the Textdraw menu title color back to green (was left red from Christmas last year).
  • Added /bury to bury corpses.
  • Fixed other bugs, typos, and errors.
  • If you had more than $20,000,000, it was set to $20,000,000.
  • Cleared all bank account balances.
  • Reset all houses.

Version 15.4

Hi guys,

I’m releasing a small update that has a few bug fixes.

  • – Fixed a bug with being able to use /shop in a duel.
  • – Fixed a bug with being able to spawn weapons in a C-Bug Challenge.
  • – Fixed a minor drug bug.
  • – Fixed other bugs and issues.
  • – Backported a few optimizations from the upcoming Version 16.

Version 15.3

Version 15.3 fixes a few issues:

  • – Started redoing a few menus to make them less cluttered.
  • – Fixed a few lag bugs.
  • – Fixed a bug where you could use /shop and /peteat during a duel.
  • – Fixed a few typos in /commands.
  • – Fixed a bug attributed to lag where the skin names would appear after you spawned.
  • – Fixed a few other minor bugs.

Version 15.2

Version 15.2 includes a few changes and bug fixes:


  • The jackpot is now based upon the amount of players online + other bonuses.
  • Made it a bit easier to win the lottery.


  • Everyone’s clothes have been removed to fix a bug with players that have had name changes not having clothes.
  • Adjusted a few skin names.
  • Fixed a bug with the allowed nickname characters.
  • The amount of credits you receive for killing the bonus player is now random.
  • Fixed a bug where you could spam /answer when someone knocked on your house’s door.
  • Fixed numerous reported and other bugs and exploits.

Version 15.1

This is a minor update that addresses a few issues and a few minor adjustments.

  • Added an option to duel at random duel arenas.
  • Fixed a bug where if both players died at the same time in a duel, they would both win a duel round.
  • Added a 3 second duel countdown before the round begins.
  • Reworded the death messages.
  • Added a display setting (/display) to show your drug level.
  • Fixed a bug with the group call command.
  • Fixed a few typos.
  • Fixed a server crash error.
  • Fixed other post Version 15 issues.
  • Fixed a SA-MP bug with changing your skin in certain animations.

Version 15

Version 15 has just finished testing and is ready for official release.  

New Arenas:

  • /1hp – 1 Health Arena (Fight with 1hp and a baseball bat)
  • /headshot – Headshot Arena (Fight with Desert Eagle and Sniper with Headshots Only)

Kill Assists:

  • If you deal a certain amount of damage to a player and then they are killed by another player, you will receive an assist bonus.

Drive By Arena:

  • Added /driveby to join the Drive By Arena.
  • You will spawn on the outsides of the arena (behind the fence).
  • You walk into the checkpoint and select a car.
  • You select a vehicle then spawn inside of the arena with it/
  • If you leave your vehicle, you have 5 seconds to re-enter it before it despawns.

Interaction Commands:

  • Added /wank – You can now wank on players and corpses.
  • Added /puke – You can now puke on corpses.
  • Added these commands to the Submission Key settings.

/stats Command:

  • Redid the stats command to fit the new stats.
  • All of your stats are sorted by category now.

New Stats:

  • Added a stat for Duel Rounds Won.
  • Added a stat for Duel Rounds Lost.
  • Added a stat for All Driveby Kills.
  • Added a stat for your Duel Rounds Won / Lost Ratio.
  • Added a stat for Lottery Wins.
  • Added stats for all Player of the Day Wins.
  • Added a stat for your Highest Kill Streak.
  • Added a stat for Pet Slaps, Pet Slap Kills, and Pet Slap Deaths.

Kill Awards:

  • Kills with different bullet weapons now give a different amount of money.
  • If the amount given is different than the default, you will see a message.
  • This message can be toggled by using /settings.

New Duel Locations:

  • LS Tunnels
  • Palisades Pier
  • Abandoned Airport
  • Area 69
  • LS Police Garage
  • Santa Maria Beach
  • Airport Hanger (Thanks to master_w0w for providing the objects for this).

C-Bug Challenges:

  • You can now also C-Bug yourself to time yourself.
  • Use /cbug (Your Player ID) or /cbug2 in order to attempt this.


  • Server weather now changes randomly to other sunny type weathers.
  • Added $gun quickstring to type your currently held gun.
  • Added a new animation to /slap.
  • Added a few missing skins.
  • Added a couple new houses.
  • The /exit command now works inside of houses.
  • Increased the Bonus Player kill amount a bit.
  • Added skin names to /info.
  • Fixed a bug with being able to get the bonus weapon inside of a Weapon Arena.
  • Fixed a few color issues with the Textdraw Menus.
  • Fixed a bug where you could pet slap a dead player.
  • Other bug fixes.
  • Did a lot of optimization of script runtime functions.
  • Forgot to mention, if you had any money in the bank, it has been reset to $0.

Version 14.3

The server is now running Version 14.3 to address a few minor issues and to edit a few things:

– Clothes:

  • Fixed a bug with a few clothing object model numbers.
  • Added New Clothes:
    • Dummy Head
    • Kitchen Knife
    • Army Helmet
    • Army Cap
    • Pet Shark
    • Safety Vest
    • Holy Cross
  • More clothes are shortly to follow.

– Radio Streams:

  • Made the radio messages more user friendly.
  • Fixed the Stream URL of a radio station (the station changed their stream url).
  • If you have any suggestions for new radio streams, post them here on the forums.

– House Labels:

  • House Labels are labels of text that appear on the house entrance markers.
  • These labels will display the owner, house name, if the house is for sale or rent, etc.
  • By default, these are turned off.
  • You can turn them on or off by using /settings, then selecting display, then selecting House Information Labels, or by using /display.

– Other:

  • Fixed a zone name typo.
  • Fixed a bug with the Angel Pine Team Deathmatch Spawn Points where you could spawn inside of a wall.
  • Fixed a bug with the Last Man Standing events.
  • Other minor bug / typo fixes.
  • Improvements to the inner workings of the script.

Version 12.5

Hi guys,
This update includes a few feature tweaks as well as a few additions. I’m currently working on the next major update, and it should be ready soon!

Whats changed / new, etc:


  • – Groups can now have group leaders.
  • – You can promote group leaders by using /groupleader (/grleader).
  • – Group Names can now be changed. You must be at least a group leader to do so.
  • – You can change your group’s name by using /groupname (/grname), or by using /groupsettings.
  • – You can now call your group to your location.
  • – You can call your group to your location by using /groupcall (/grcall), or by using /groupsettings.


  • – Added Los Santos Mall (/lsmall).


  • – Added a Speedometer.
  • – It can be toggled between KMH, MPH, and Off by using /settings or /display.


  • – Added quickstring $bank to show how much cash you have in the bank.
  • – Simplified the /rules textdraw.
  • – Updated /help.
  • – You can now eat your Pet by using /peteat (/peat) or by using /pet.
  • – Added a Zone Name for Mount Chiliad.
  • – Added a Zone Name for Los Santos Mall.
  • – Added a 24-7 to Los Santos Mall (/lsmall).
  • – Added a Burger Shot to Los Santos Mall (/lsmall).
  • – Added a Sex Shop to Los Santos Mall (/lsmall).
  • – Added a new 1v1 Crew Bank to Los Santos Mall (/lsmall).
  • – Added a Casino to Los Santos Mall (/lsmall).
  • – Added an Ammunation to Los Santos Mall (/lsmall).
  • – Added a 24-7 in Come-A-Lot (/lvammo).
  • – Other Bug / Issue Fixes.