The quickstrings below can be used in any messages fill in text.
Quickstring: | Purpose: |
$loc | Displays your current location. |
$pet | Displays your pet’s name if you have one. |
$cash | Displays the amount of cash you have. |
$bank | Displays the amount of cash you have in the bank. |
$me | Displays your player name. |
$ply | Displays the name of the player closest to you. |
$ks | Displays the name of the player closest to you with a kill streak. |
$dmg | Displays the last damage value you were dealt. |
$ld / $take | Displays the last player that dealt you damage. |
$hit | Displays the last player you dealt damage. |
$fps | Displays your current Frames Per Second (FPS). |
$ping | Displays your current ping. |
$veh | Displays your current vehicle (if you are in one). |
$day | Displays the current Game Day. |
$time | Displays the current Game Time. |
$grp | Displays your group name (if you are in one). |
$hp | Displays your health points. |
$ap | Displays your armor points. |
$gen | Displays your gender. |
$cls | Displays the class name of your current skin. |
$kill | Displays the amount of kills you have. |
$death | Displays the amount of deaths you have. |
$1 | Displays the player you have set to Quick-PM #1. |
$2 | Displays the player you have set to Quick-PM #2. |
$3 | Displays the player you have set to Quick-PM #3. |
The following quickstrings below can be used in the place of (Nick / ID) in commands:
Quickstring: | Purpose: |
$ply | The ID of the player closest to you. |
$ks | The ID of the player closest to you with a kill streak. |
$hit | The ID of the player you last dealt damage. |
$take | The ID of the player who last dealt you damage. |
$1 | The ID of the player you have set to Quick-PM #1. |
$2 | The ID of the player you have set to Quick-PM #2. |
$3 | The ID of the player you have set to Quick-PM #3. |